Latest ROMSPAC News

ZOOM PAC Meeting June 10th, 7pm

Picture of ROMSPAC Exec
ZOOM PAC Meeting June 10th, 7pm
by ROMSPAC Exec - Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 1:00 PM

Hello ROMS families,

We hope you and your loved ones are managing well in these uncertain times. 

All ROMS parents and guardians AS WELL AS Grade 5 parents joining ROMS next year, are invited to our final PAC meeting of the 2019/20 school year. Please check out the agenda below. To join the meeting, simply click on the link below, or paste it into your browser. Then, enter the password below. We hope to see you there!


June 10th, 7pm

Meeting ID: ​988 3925 9969

Password: ​209009

Link​: QT09 

Zoom logo

Meeting Agenda 

June 10th, 2020 - Welcome Grade 5 Parents!

● Territorial Acknowledgement
● Administration Report
● Approval of the Agenda and call for additional discussion items 

● Approval of May’s minutes
● President’s Report
● Vacant PAC Exec positions for 2020/21
● Treasurer’s Report
● COPACS update
● Grade 8 Farewell update
● Fundraising-School Supplies etc. for Fall
● Staff Appreciation

Additional Discussion Items

*** Please review our PAC Executive for 20/21. Executive members remaining at ROMS next year have agreed to remain in their existing positions until an election meeting in the fall. The positions below are for those that will be vacant but if anyone is interested in any of the executive positions please contact ​​. Getting involved in PAC is a great way to get involved in the school community and assist with opportunities for our children.

Executive 2020/21

Co-Presidents - Luanne Richardson and Lena Palermo 


Treasurer - Don Mellings 

Secretary - Jenny Eastman

Volunteer Co-ordinator - Courtney Lloyd


Communications -VACANT

Grant Writer - Alayne Bygradyr- McCoy to write for June 2020 but then VACANT

Member at Large, Lunch Program - Elisa Greenway and one position VACANT

Grade 8 Liasons - Courtney Lloyd and Lena Palermo

Member at Large, Country Grocer Receipts - Shannon Eastman 

Member at Large, Thrifty’s Smile Cards - Emily Scott

See you there!

Your PAC Executive