Front Page News

Early Closure October 20 and 21

Picture of Nancy Puckett
Early Closure October 20 and 21
by Nancy Puckett - Friday, 16 October 2015, 9:30 AM

Just a reminder that Tuesday, October 20 and Wednesday, October 21 are early closure days.  School will be dismissed at 2:08.  Buses will be at the school to transport students home. The purpose of the early closure is to allow for parent teacher interviews.  These interviews will start at 2:30 pm and continue until 5:30 pm.  There is a button on the front page of the ROMS website which will take you to the online booking system. This system has been up all week and will shut down tonight at 11 pm.  If you are having problems with the system, please contact Ms. Puckett at 250-479-7128 ext 459 or by email at  If there are no spaces available with your student's teacher, please contact the teacher directly via email.