As directed by BCPSEA and the Labour Relations Board, school districts are not yet in a position to provide report cards to students due to the labour dispute. However, students are assured that marks for Grade 10,11 and 12 courses are currently being entered into the system and will be sent to the Ministry of Education by July 11. There are no marks or report cards for Kindergarten to Grade 9. In the event that we receive direction to produce report cards for Grade 10 to 12, we will do so and inform parents about pick-up through this website.
We want to tell parents that students in K to Grade 9 will be promoted to the next grade level or classes. We will do our best in September to assess the needs of students on an individual basis.
Please check school websites regularly if you are hoping to enter a school building to pick up personal items. If there are no picket lines next week, then parents will be invited to drop in to the school on a certain date and time.
Thank you very much for your patience.
Superintendent of Schools