Front Page News

Gr 6 & 7 Island Health Letter

Picture of Taylor Musgrave
Gr 6 & 7 Island Health Letter
by Taylor Musgrave - Thursday, 28 January 2021, 7:52 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please be aware of the upcoming virtual sessions offered in each Grade 6/7 homeroom class with a trained facilitator from Island Sexual Health. As part of the curriculum, students will be participating in a session during the week of Feb 1-4th, on the following topics:

  • Changes during puberty (physical, emotional, and social): overview of the types of things people may expect during puberty and when to expect them. This includes a section on self-care and reaching out to safe adults for support and resources.

  • Reproductive systems: overview of changes people can expect to their reproductive systems during puberty and an overview of how fertilization works in the human body. This will also include a discussion of gender identity and biological sex from an inclusive perspective.

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections & Safer Sex Practices: overview of what sexually transmitted infections are and safer sex practices that reduce the risk of contracting them.

  • Healthy relationships:  helping students to identify what types of things are included in a healthy relationship, including an activity and discussion around topics like personal boundaries, consent, and respecting values and differences.

  • Anonymous Questions: Each session ends giving the students opportunities to ask questions that they are curious about by writing this down on a slip of paper.

All questions will be answered with accuracy, honesty and non-judgement. These workshops are based on learning outcomes in the Physical and Health Education curriculum for students in BC. For more information on the specific learning outcomes visit: /sites/

The workshops will be facilitated by Abbey Eurchuk who is an assistant educator at Island Sexual Health. If you have any questions about the workshop topics, please contact Abbey ( or Jennifer Gibson, Coordinator of Community Education Services ( For more information on sexual health issues and as a way to encourage and continue conversations at home, please visit:,,,

If you have any other questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or Aaron Bailey, ROMS counsellor at