Royal Oak Morning Announcements - November 30, 2020
Info for students...
Grade 8 Leadership - There will be a meeting today at 1:30pm in the MRP. Please remember to lineup outside and bring a mask.
Christmas Food Drive - Starting tomorrow (Dec 1) the grade 8 leadership will be collecting non-perishable food donations for the Mustard Seed. Please leave collected items in the classroom.
Winter Concert MC’s - All of the MC's that have signed up for the Digital Winter Concert, please meet Mrs. Galvao in the Band room at 1pm. Please bring your lunch and your mask!
Parent Info…
Christmas Food Drive - Starting tomorrow ROMS will be collecting non-perishable food items to donate to the Mustard Seed.
PAC Info…
Purdys and Dielmans orders can be picked up: Monday Nov 30 before school from 8:40 - 9:15 and Wednesday Dec 2 afterschool till 3:30. Out front of the school. Please Social distance and wear a mask. If you are unable to make it those days for pick up please email
Important Dates to Remember...
Dec 4 - Last day of FAAS 1
Dec 7 - First day FAAS 2
Dec 11 - Festive day
Dec 18 - Last day