Good Morning everyone,
Just a reminder that if you are not receiving our daily announcements that you need to subscribe. Please see below or the attachment on how to subscribe.
Royal Oak Middle School communicates with families through our website at All notifications, school calendar, school closures, adverse weather notices, early closures, school events, PAC events, community events, etc. will be communicated via the school website.
Be in the know, sign up for our forum subscriptions
on-line. It's easy, just follow these
1. Go to our school website at
2. Left hand side of front page there is a header called “FORUM SUBSCRIPTION” - Click on the “send me forum posts by email”
3. Type in your email address
4. Select All
5. Click on “Subscribe to selected forums”
Done, it is that easy. You will begin to receive emails as posts are made such as the daily announcements, front page news and community news posts
The PAC needs your help too! Stay current with the latest information on school fund raisers, PAC funded events, Parent resources, PAC meetings and general information. Sign up for their posts separately as follows (in order to receive PAC specific notices, you will need to sign up for their forums in addition to the school forums!):
1. Go to our school website at
2. Find the white eagle on the tool bar at the top of page, click on Parents – a drop down appears
3. Click on PAC Page
4. On top right had side of page there is a header called “FORUM SUBSCRIPTIONS” - Click on the “send me forum posts by email”
5. Type in your email address
6. Click on “Subscribe to selected forums”
Done, it is that easy. You will begin to receive emails as posts are made.
Thank you for assisting us in keeping the ROMS Community informed.