News From Royal Oak Middle School
April 20, 2020
Dear ROMS Parents and Guardians,
Now that students and teachers have been working together in this new remote learning structure for a few weeks, I wanted to update you on a couple of things. Students are settling into the new classroom routines now and should be connecting with their core teachers on a weekly basis. As per the guidelines from the Ministry of Education, teachers will provide middle school students with approximately 10 hours of learning opportunities per week. We recognize that some families are finding this challenging and some families would like much more. Please remember that this is remote learning in a time of crisis - we are not providing students with a regular 9-3 middle school program. If you are finding 10 hours a week is too much for your child and your family given the current circumstances, please communicate with your child’s homeroom teacher and adaptations can be made. If you are wanting more learning opportunities for your child, there are many resources available to you on Saanich Schools Online and Open Schools BC. We are also starting up ROMS virtual clubs via our school website this week - more clubs will be added throughout the coming weeks so keep checking back.
Here is some more information you may find helpful:
All COVID - 19 District Information - This information is available on the district website.
Entering the School - all students have had several opportunities to access the school to get materials and belongings from their locker/classroom. For everyone’s safety, we are trying to minimize access to the school going forward. If your child is in need of an essential item, please email our vice principal, Mr. Mark, at to make arrangements.
Counselling Support - Our counsellors will continue to connect with students they currently support, but if you feel your child could use a phone call from one of our counsellors then please send an email to Mr. Doug Mollard at or Ms. Michelle Gay at
ROMS Yearbooks Update - we have approx 30 yearbooks left for sale, please email Ms. Cottier to reserve a yearbook at:
I hope that you and your family are safe and are adjusting to the new reality we find ourselves in. We miss our students and are looking forward to the day when we are all back together again. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Karen MacEwan, Principal