Latest ROMSPAC News

Purdy's Fundraiser Cancelled

Picture of ROMSPAC Exec
Purdy's Fundraiser Cancelled
by ROMSPAC Exec - Wednesday, 25 March 2020, 12:48 PM

Hello ROMS families,
We trust that you are staying healthy and managing these challenging times to the best of your ability. We hope you have found ways to give support and to receive support when needed and when possible. And, with constant hand-washing, of course! Below is a message from our fundraising team. 
Warm thoughts,
Your PAC Executive

Dear Parents,

Thank you to those who participated in our Purdy's Easter Fundraiser. Unfortunately, we have to cancel due to the unforeseen circumstances.

Refunds will be issued by Purdys back onto your credit cards if they haven’t already.

Thank you for your understanding! 

Any questions or concerns email Courtney

ROMS PAC Executive