Latest ROMSPAC News

PAC Positions Still Available

Picture of ROMSPAC Exec
PAC Positions Still Available
by ROMSPAC Exec - Thursday, 31 May 2018, 11:57 AM

Hello, all Royal Oak Families,

On behalf of your 2017/18 Royal Oak Middle School PAC Executives, we would like to thank you all for giving us the opportunity to represent you this school year.  

As the school year is coming to an end we would like to announce that there are still a few PAC positions available.  This year we estimate receiving $20.00 per student in gaming funds, these funds can be used for field trips, classroom funds per student, swimming programs, sports programs, math manipulatives, Reading program, and so much more for our students.  Without PAC Executives, we lose these funds.

Every parent is a member of the PAC and I encourage you all to come out and get involved.  New ideas are always welcome and there are all kinds of ways you can help support ROMS.

The positions that are still available are the following:

The PAC President

  • convene and preside at all general, special, and executive meetings;

  • be the official spokesperson on behalf of the Council;

  • consult with Council members;

  • ensure that an agenda is prepared and sent to members and that minutes are approved circulated as appropriate;

  • appoint committees where authorized by the membership or executive;

  • liaise with special committees as needed and be an ex-officio member of all committees;

  • ensure that the Council is represented in school and district activities;

  • communicate with the school principal on behalf of the Council;

  • ensure constitution and bylaws are followed and are reviewed and updated each year;

  • be a strong advocate for meaningful parent involvement in the school;

  • ensure a Nominating Committee is formed prior to each AGM;

  • be a signing officer

    The Vice President

  • support the President;

  • assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence or upon request;

  • assist the president in the performance of his or her duties;

  • accept extra duties as required;

  • chair the Constitution Revisions Committee;

  • be a signing officer;

  • Provide leadership for PAC event planning.

The role of President and Vice President may be combined and shared between two (2) Co-Presidents. Each Co-President shall have one vote.

    The Treasurer

  • be one of the signing officers;

  • ensure all funds of the Council are properly accounted for;

  • disburse funds as authorized by the membership or executive;

  • ensure that proper financial records and books of account are maintained;

  • report on all receipts and disbursements at general and executive meetings;

  • make financial records and books of account available to members upon request;

  • have the financial records and books of account ready for annual inspection or audit

  • with the assistance of the executive, draft an annual budget;

  • ensure that another signing officer has access to the financial records and books of account in the treasurer’s absence;

  • Submit an annual financial statement at the annual general meeting.

    Thrifty Foods Smile Cards Coordinator

  • Issue smile cards to incoming grade 6 families and anyone else who is interested in participating in the smile card fundraiser;

  • Submit an application for the Smile Card Program to Thrifty Foods in May. Thrifty Foods works with one contact person from the school only.  This will be the person who submitted the application.

If you want to see events and services similar to what we have accomplished in the past continue for next school year, please take the time to nominate parent/guardians for executive positions.  You may nominate yourself if you are interested in holding a position. Please email we will be hosting a final executive meeting on June 14th with the current executives as well the new incoming executives. Hope to see the PAC executives positions filled by then.

Together the parents of Royal Oak Middle School can continue to make our school a great place for our kids, and I think you will all agree…OUR kids are worth it!!

Thank you for your continued support!!!

PAC Executives