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Executive Positions available for 2018/19 School Year!

Picture of ROMSPAC Exec
Executive Positions available for 2018/19 School Year!
by ROMSPAC Exec - Tuesday, 23 January 2018, 8:39 PM

Hello Royal Oak Families and Happy New Year!


We know this is early to be announcing but our PAC Executive team is in need of help, volunteers like you make a big difference to our students, there are so many ways to be a part of your child’s school, volunteering is flexible and allows you to participate as it fits into your schedule. If you’re not sure of a time commitment or what the job includes, contact the PAC.  Please read the following information and consider being a part of your child’s school.


This year’s PAC is mainly grade 8 parents which will be leaving the school in June and we are hoping to fill these available positions below before the May PAC meeting, if you are interested or know of anyone who is interested in joining the PAC please email <b>




A. The President:

B. The Vice-President:

C. The Secretary:

D. The Treasurer:

E. The COPACS Representative:

F. Volunteer Coordinator:

G. Communication Coordinator: filled

H. Members-at-Large:

       1- Hot Lunch Program for kids in needs - 1 spot filled 

       2- Grant Writing and Applications -

       3- Grade Eight Year end Celebration Coordinator -


Please see description of the Executive Positions duties below



A. The President will:

·         convene and preside at all general, special, and executive meetings;

·         be the official spokesperson on behalf of the Council;

·         consult with Council members;

·         ensure that an agenda is prepared and sent to members and that minutes are approved circulated as appropriate;

·         appoint committees where authorized by the membership or executive;

·         liaise with special committees as needed and be an ex-officio member of all committees;

·         ensure that the Council is represented in school and district activities;

·         ensure that Council activities are aimed at achieving the purposes set out in the constitution;

·         communicate with the school principal on behalf of the Council;

·         ensure constitution and bylaws are followed and are reviewed and updated each year;

·         be a strong advocate for meaningful parent involvement in the school;

·          ensure a Nominating Committee is formed prior to each AGM;

·          be a signing officer


B. The Vice-President will:

·         support the President;

·         assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence or upon request;

·         assist the president in the performance of his or her duties;

·         accept extra duties as required;

·         chair the Constitution Revisions Committee;

·         be a signing officer;

·         Provide leadership for PAC event planning.


The role of President and Vice President may be combined and shared between two (2) Co-Presidents. Each Co-President shall have one vote.


C. The Secretary will:

·         record and file minutes of all meetings and ensure they are posted on PAC website;

·         post minutes on the parents’ bulletin board two weeks after each general meeting,

And give one copy each to the PAC President and the Principal;

·         keep an accurate and up to date copy of the constitution and bylaws, and make copies available to members upon request;


D. The Treasurer will:

·         be one of the signing officers;

·         ensure all funds of the Council are properly accounted for;

·         disburse funds as authorized by the membership or executive;

·         ensure that proper financial records and books of account are maintained;

·         report on all receipts and disbursements at general and executive meetings;

·         make financial records and books of account available to members upon request;

·         have the financial records and books of account ready for annual inspection or audit

·         with the assistance of the executive, draft an annual budget;

·         ensure that another signing officer has access to the financial records and books of account in the treasurer’s absence;

·         Submit an annual financial statement at the annual general meeting.


E. The COPACS Representative will:

·         attend all meetings of COPACS and represent, speak and vote on behalf of the


·         maintain current registration of the Council in COPACS;

·         report regularly to the membership and executive on all matters relating to

COPACS (usually at monthly PAC meetings);

·         seek and give input to the COPACS on behalf of the Council;

·         receive, circulate, and post COPACS newsletters, brochures, and announcements;

·         receive and act on all other communications from COPACS;

·         liaise with other parents and COPACS representatives;


F. Volunteer Coordinator will:

·         maintain a current list of all volunteers;

·         promote the involvement of parent volunteers;

·         work in collaboration with other event coordinators and relevant committees to ensure adequate volunteer coverage;

·         Assist Vice President in finding leads and volunteers for PAC events.


G. Communication Coordinator will:

·         liaise with PAC Executive to ensure information is shared with families in a timely manner;

·         assist with development and review of all PAC notices, newsletter and publications;

·         update PAC website including posting meeting minutes, updating monthly meeting dates and Events;

·         report the activities of the organization and future programs to members, the press and the public;


H. Members-at-Large will:

            1- Hot Lunch Program for kids in needs

·         prepare lunch for kids once a week

·         provide vegetables and fruits  

2 Grant Writing and Applications

·         Grant writing to pursue school grants opportunities. 

·         work with The Principle and the staff to find the most suitable grants for the school

3 Grade Eight Year End Celebration Co-ordinator

·         Coordinate volunteers for the year end celebration

·         Help with grade eight fundraising for yearend celebration

·         Work with the grade eight staff and students for the grade eight farewell  

4      Country Grocer Receipts

·         Tally up receipts

·         Submit them to Country Grocer to receive gift cards