Front Page News

Sock Bombs - An Opportunity

Picture of Nancy Puckett
Sock Bombs - An Opportunity
by Nancy Puckett - Wednesday, 25 November 2015, 10:41 AM

Greetings Everyone:

Youth in Action and Student Council are doing a joint project to collect items for sock bombs (a pair of socks stuffed with useful things for someone living in poverty).  

Luca Hutchison, a grade 6 student in Ms. Morgan's class, took the initiative to go to the Broadmead Pharmasave to ask for donations.  In addition to a donation, Broadmead Pharmasave has agreed to give us items for the sock bombs at cost.  This is a great opportunity!  Thanks Luca for your leadership!!

Action Item:  Please send in a $ donation for the sock bombs byFriday. Nov 25!  There is a collection box in the office for these donations.  

Deadline for Donations (both financial and items) is December 8.

Thank you to the ROMS students, parent and staff for your support with this project.