We have an exciting, new way to raise funds for our school and support our community! The PAC has partnered with locally-owned Red Barn Market to create a great fundraising opportunity for our school!
Here’s how it works - the Red Barn will donate 10% of the value of all “Barn Bucks” purchased! $5.00 for every $50.00 you spend is donated back to our school. You can purchase your $50.00 “Barn Bucks” cards through the PAC to buy your groceries at all 4 of the Red Barn Market stores. Pre-order your cards today and they will be ready for you to pick up at the open house on Wednesday, Sept 30th. You can pay by cash or cheque.
Email romsredbarn@gmail.com with your name, phone number and the number of cards that you would like to order by Monday, Sep 28th. Thank you for supporting our school!