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Sexual Health Parent Education Night

Picture of Nancy Puckett
Sexual Health Parent Education Night
by Nancy Puckett - Thursday, 5 February 2015, 8:54 AM

Parents of students aged 9-13 in school district 63 are welcome to join Jennifer Gibson, Sexual Health Educator from Island Sexual Health on:

April 15th, 2015


District Resource Center

(located behind Keating Elementary School)

6843 Central Saanich Road, Saanichton

Here is the pamphlet with more information:

Participants will be given strategies to become more comfortable discussing sexuality and sexual health issues with their school aged children.  Children learn about sexuality through friends, media, and in family life. In this workshop, parent learn how to ensure their children have access to accurate information to promote healthy, positive development and relationships.  

Island Sexual Health Society emphasizes the importance of parents as the primary  sexuality educator. Topics covered:

a)    Stages of childhood sexual development

          -  What children should know at each stage

b)    Teaching tips of ways to explain bodies & body processes     

c)    Strategies for answering questions

d)    Tips for incorporating family values, beliefs, religion, and culture into sexuality education

e)     Resources for parents and information to take home

f)      Ideas for using popular culture and media as a teaching tool

BIO: Jennifer Gibson, MA is the Coordinator of Community Education Services.  After 11 years as a sexual health educator, Jennifer still looks forward to each of her 400+ workshops a year and the opportunity to be able to facilitate sexual health education for participants that is current,  factual, and F-U-N!