Fee Waiver Policy

ROMS requires school fees for a variety of school-based needs and charges fees in accordance with District and Ministry directives. Please make cheques payable to School District #63. These funds assist our school in offering additional programs/activities that would not otherwise be funded.

Policy Statement:

Our school's fee schedule shall conform with the principles contained in the Board's Policy 2300 and the Ministry's School Board Fees Order.

  • All of our students have access to required school activities or courses and shall not be denied this access due to the inability to pay our school fees.

  • Our school fees shall be kept as reasonable as possible.

  • Procedures for those unable to pay fees will be included in our school handbook and will also be communicated on the school website and fall newsletter.

Fee Waiver Procedure:

  • If you require special consideration, please contact the principal no later than September 30 for school fees or 10 days prior to the school activity or field trip.

  • Subsequently, the principal will contact the parent/guardian who made the request to confirm receipt of the request.

  • If the fees cause financial hardship, ROMS will accept payment by installments (one or more postdated cheque(s).

  • For cases of serious need, arrangements will be made to have the fee partially or completely waived. 

Last modified: Tuesday, 12 July 2016, 12:59 PM